May 17, 2011

6 Month Update

I know I haven't been on here much but the truth is life is more fun! I'm mainly doing this blog for myself and to help keep up with my own weight loss anyway! So.... as of today I've lost a grand total of 105 pounds! I never imagined myself close to "onederland" again but I'm just 4 pounds away from 199! I can't wait until the morning my scale takes me there! I know I say the same things over and over but this surgery saved my life! I went to Dollywood with my family and walked , rode, and played all day! I even rode some kiddie rides with my son! We're going white water rafting next month (I haven't been in 10 years!) and to the beach soon after. I always thought I knew how much I was missing but I had no clue! I'm so much happier and healthier! Thanks again Dr. Colquitt!

Dec 20, 2010

Christmas Goal...

Long time, no blog! The holidays have been a blast this year. I've actually felt like shopping and baking and cleaning, etc. I think I went shopping every day last week and I don't even realize I'm getting some exercise in while having fun! I've went down 3-4 clothing sizes now and have lost 57 pounds! I haven't really found anything my sleeve doesn't like, but I've also made much healthier choices. I still have an occasional baked potato (5 bites) but try to keep my carbs to under 30g per day. Protein always comes first, usually in the form of chicken or pork, cheese, peanut butter, but never in the form of protein shakes. I just can't handle them anymore! As stated many times before, my energy level is up tremendously and I'm wearing my poor hubby out! I'm walking 6 miles per week (which will be stepped up soon) and feel like that is a good start to a permanent lifestyle change. The only regret I have is that I didn't do this 5 years ago! I'll try to update again soon and let you know how the holiday eating has gone! I'd say wish me luck, but for the first time I don't think I need it!

Nov 1, 2010


So... I have been seriously neglecting my blog. I just haven't been behind my computer as much which isn't a terrible thing! I have much more energy so I seem to be on the move much more. I am in the soft food phase now which is going pretty well. I'm eating eggs, soups, potatoes, tilapia, etc. Most things go down pretty well but sometimes things feel as if they get stuck. I've come to realize though this may be my "full" feeling so I need to stop eating a few bites sooner. My weight loss is consistent so this really keeps motivation and morale up. We've went out to eat a few times with friends and while it was hard watching them scarf down a Bloomin Onion, all I had to do was think of my scales and I was just fine! I still have cravings of things occasionally but overall this has been a pretty easy process. If I'm stressed I sometimes still want to eat, but since I now recognize "hunger" eating vs "emotional" eating I'm finding other ways to vent.  My clothes are getting looser, my face is slimmer, and my aches and pains are DRAMATICALLY reduced. My life is changing in so many different ways for the better! My only regret is not having this surgery sooner. I can't wait to get in the floor with my son on Christmas morning and help him explore his new toys! We had such a great Halloween night... I actually walked around a neighborhood without getting winded! I wanted to do more! To me, this has been the best part of surgery. Feeling better so I actually don't care to go to the mall. Or to Dollywood. Or to the park. It's been so long since I've felt like doing anything! My world is opening up again and I'm loving it! More to come later!

Oct 18, 2010

1 Week Post Op

Things are going great! I can honestly say I expected my recovery time to be much greater than it has been. My soreness is gone (besides the occasional incision "twinge") and I can move freely. I have to refrain from lifting greater than 30 pounds for a month but I've had no problem with that so far. I still struggle with getting my water in daily but it's getting somewhat easier. I'm eating mostly creamy soups or broths and that's about all. I was having yogurt daily but it seems to cause quite a bit of gas bubbles in my tummy so I may hold off on that for a while. I need to step up my exercise now that I'm basically recovered and hopefully my weight will continue to drop! I've now lost 26 pounds and feel wonderful! My energy level has finally picked back up and I long to be out of the house doing things. Anything. Any movement is better than no movement and it makes it that much sweeter when you enjoy yourself! Friday I can transition to soft proteins such as eggs, cooked cereal, soft meats, (about anything you can mush with your fork) and I'll be in that phase for 2 weeks. I can't believe my diet restrictions are almost over! It has flown by. So... that's about it so far. I'll post after Friday to let you know how my tummy is handling "food" again! Hope you hear from less of me then!

Oct 12, 2010

Surgery and Post-Op Experiences...

We'll start by going back a few days to my surgery day. We were up and at the hospital at 6am to check in and on the surgical floor at 6:15. Being the surgeons first patient of the day was great! They took me straight back, started my IV, spoke to the anesthesiologist, spoke with the surgeon, and was being wheeled into the O.R. at 7:29. My surgery was scheduled for 7:30. They were very prompt!When I arrived in the O.R. I "think" I changed tables (I had already been given the happy juice!), and the last thing I remember was the oxygen mask being placed over my nose/mouth and being told to have a nice nap! Pre-Op was very nice indeed!

Waking up, however, was a whole new experience! I remember waking up VERY nauseous and thinking I was going to vomit everywhere! I ask my nurse to get me an alcohol swab to smell (GREAT tip) and the sick feeling left very quickly. I don't remember anything else about recovery but apparently after being there for 1.5 hours I got taken to my room.

My hubby and parents had came to the hospital with me so they joined me in my room to keep me company. I, however, was crappy company as I slept ALL DAY! I don't remember much at all about Friday until that evening. I got a visit from a friend I hadn't seen in a while and it was great to see her again! I hope I'll be seeing/talking to you again soon J! I got up and walked a few times because I was terrified of getting a blood clot or pneumonia. If they tell me to do something related to my health chances are I'll do it! I didn't go through all this to die of a complication!

Pain: Pain wasn't all that bad. They keep you medicated in the hospital and besides the gas (which can get rough) I was virtually pain free. Yay!

Saturday morning I was taken down for a swallow study in radiology to make sure I had no leaks in my new sleeve. I drank 2 oz of fluid, had a few pics taken, and was declared leak free! My doctor came in soon after and said if I could eat some jello and broth and hold it down, I could go home! My "meal" came and I was able to eat a few bites of jello and 2 bites of broth until I was full. There was a Sprite on my tray which I know is a no-no so be very careful. Don't just eat/drink something because they give it to you. Do your research and KNOW what you can do. It's your body and your life!

I came home that afternoon feeling great. I took a dose of pain meds and woke up a few hours later. I thought I was chilling a little and took my temp. 99.3. we watched it closely and called the doctor when it reached 100.7 as this could be a sign of abscess or leak. Back to the hospital we went and check into the ER. They gave me fluids, meds for nauseous, checked my blood and did a X-Ray and CT to check for leaks. My temp had went down to 97.9 so again I was declared healthy and we crashed at the first hotel we saw. We live 1.5 hours away from the hospital and it was 4am. They gave us a 2pm check out so we slept til 1.

Since arriving home Sunday things have went very well. I still have soreness and get nauseous occasionally but I feel much better that I expected to. I'm still having a hard time getting 4 ounces of fluid per hour but I'm really trying. I'm now able to eat yogurt and creamy soups and am keeping them down OK. I still haven't been able to eat over 4 ounces at once so my sleeve is working nicely! My post-op visit with the doctor is this Thursday and I'll get his professional opinion but I think I'm doing great. I have 5 small incisions which are healing nicely. I'll end with the best part: I've now lost 18.5 pounds!! Can't wait to watch that number go higher and higher over the next months. I'll keep you posted!

Oct 5, 2010

3 Days & Counting.....

I figured by this time in my pre-op (liquid diet) phase I would be exhausted and sooo ready to eat. HOWEVER, it's just the opposite. I have more energy than normal and I'm really not hungry. Sure, it's not easy to watch someone beside you eating a slice of pizza or a big juicy hamburger without your mouth watering a little, but when I stop and think I'm NOT hungry. As of today I've lost 14 pounds so that keeps morale up and helps keep cheating non-existent! My energy level is also something that's amazed me. It is really up! Usually when I lay down with my little one for his nap I fall asleep, too. Lately, as soon as he's asleep, I jump up and get some work around the house done. Dishes, laundry, floors, even the closets have been cleaned out! I'm sure the vitamins are helping with that also. I got them from my surgeons office, which if I haven't told you is Foothills Weightloss Specialists in Maryville, TN. The vitamins are Vitox and they have been really easy to tolerate. Hmmm.. I guess that's all for now. I don't know if I'll get a chance to blog again before my surgery so if not you'll definitely hear from me in a few days after! Wish me luck!!

Sep 28, 2010

Liquid Protein Diet

Soooo... I was given the option at my surgical consultation to either lose 5-10% of my body weight prior to surgery (which would have been 15-30 pounds) OR go on the 2 week liquid protein diet immediately before my surgery. I drew the logical conclusion that if I could lose 15-30 pounds on my own I'd already have done it... right? So I chose liquid protein. Well. The first day had been going really well until I tried to drink the medical protein shake. G.A.G. I was in tears! How was I going to do this when I couldn't even get the shake down?? My dear hubby (who is also my support person) was here to make me literally "suck it up!" I do believe those were his exact words. After much delaying and feeling sorry for myself, I did "suck it up". I held my nose and downed those 7 ounces of protein! Whoo Hoo!! And that's how I've done it since. I only get 3 shakes down a day instead of 4 and I'm also allowed yogurt, sugar free pudding, jello, tomato juice, and some raw veggies. There's a few more items on the list but these are the ones I can handle. Now, on day 6, I feel good. I mean REALLY good. I'm really NOT hungry and I'm almost out of the habit of going to the pantry when the TV is on! I say habit because this has truly made me see that if I weren't paying attention, I would be consuming a LOT of calories when I'm not even hungry. My sugar hasn't been bottoming out (I'm not diabetic but borderline), my ankles aren't swollen, and I've lost 12 pounds!! I realize this will slow down or even stop. Most of it was water weight from all the sodium I typically consume but hey, 12 pounds is 12 pounds AND it put me under 300!! I just have to watch my water intake. I've noticed a whitish coat on my tongue and know this is a sign of dehydration. I then thought about what I've been drinking. Since I've cut soda, I only consume 2 bottled waters and 2 cups of tomato juice a day along with 14 ounces of protein powder mixed with milk and this will not keep me properly hydrated. As of now that's the only problem I'm having with this diet. If I could choose between losing weight again or the liquid protein, I think I would choose the same. The scales are changing daily and that helps to remain consistent. Oh, I guess i should mention why the surgeon wants you to do this. Any amount of weight lose will help your surgery go smoother because it will shrink your liver. Sometimes a really fatty liver will get in the way and a laporscopic procedure will be impossible therefore making them either revert to an open incision or cancel the surgery all together. This is NOT something I want to happen so these 2 weeks are going to be preparing me for the eating plan for 4 weeks after surgery! Hey... practice makes perfect!! 9 more days til surgery!!